There is no fundamental notion of meaning in reality. There is no fundamental meaning of purpose. Ther is no fundamental meaning of value Brian Greene, [[Modern Wisdom 308 – Brian Greene – Uncovering the Physics of Eternity]]
I agree. "Meaning" is a language construct our primate brains have evolved. And that's – more or less, probably – the level at which that concept exists. But here's the thing: That does not make it any less real, less important, less trancendent, less… dare I say; spiritual or godly.
Here I am in danger of being anthropocentric, but I believe some things are just human and nothing more, nothing less. And that's enough.
Our thoughts, concepts, dreams, hopes… they need not reach that far beyond our selves. They may not be able to reach beyond our selves… they may be part of, the essence of our selves.
If there is such a thing as… no scratch that… if there is something like purpose, meaning outside of, independent of, larger than humanity, then we might not be able to conceive of it. It might not be recognizable to us.
Then Greene goes on to say (paraphrased): [[faced with the existentialism of physics – you can go to a dark place or to a place of appreciation and gratitude]]
via:: [[Modern Wisdom 308 – Brian Greene – Uncovering the Physics of Eternity]]